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WILD Days Makes Everything Groovy

The tranquil stillness of the Headwaters Outdoor Education Center (HOEC) received a change of pace this week as our conservation-minded community came together to celebrate WILD Days! This event is a 3-day kids camp with a focus on all things environmental science, outdoor recreation and conservation stewardship. Over 80 campers from across the county, grades pre-KG to 6th grade, were registered for the program this summer.

Beginning our day gathered around the flagpole, OSU Extension's 4-H Counselors took on the task of the raising of the American Flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Then we were onto the WILD DAYS Pledge...

"Wild DAYS Camp is here.

It's time to have some fun.

We learn about animals, plants and Earth

Under the morning Sun."

Several partnering organizations were present to provide robust programming for the KG-6th grade campers during their stay. With the aid of parents our pre-KG crew focused their learning under a large tent at the front of the site. Older campers were led through the trails of the HOEC by a team leader to visit each education session. Some of the topics covered were predator-prey relationships, animal encounters, story telling, learning where our food comes from and exploring an Augmented Reality Sandbox. Thank you to our parents, presenters and their assistants.

Of course, WILD Days would not be possible without the incredible work of our HOEC Volunteers. Months of planning, preparation and coordination has gone into this event. The Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District is grateful to have available your willingness, time, energy and talent. You are necessary to our core mission of "to educate and assist all people in the conservation of the valuable natural resources of Morrow County."

Planning for WILD Days 2026 will begin soon. Be expecting more information next spring. Once registration opens up parents must call into the Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District Office to confirm capacity and to complete the registration process.

Thanks to all!

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