The 2024 five-member Board of Supervisors:
Lee Rhea (Chair)
Larry Leonhard (Vice-Chair)
Dean Van Horn (Secretary)
Nate Mosher (Treasurer)
Curtis Grimm
It has been our honor to serve the County along side Board Secretary, Dean Van Horn, of Bellville, Ohio. Dean has faithfully fulfilled his duties to the District and has reliably offered level-head decision making and kindness in his actions. Mr. Van Horn has decided not to run for the Board of Supervisors for another term.
Thank you, Dean. We are grateful for you.
The Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District will be filling one Board of Supervisors position for the term 2025-2028.
All candidates must be nominated to participate in the election. Nominations will be made by the Morrow SWCD Nomination Committee, the election will be held during the December 4th Annual Banquet.
All those interested may stop in our Main Office at 5362 US 42 Suite 202, Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 or email District Administrator, Tyler Butler, at Express your interest in serving the Morrow Soil and Water Board of Supervisors and the staff will connect you with a current serving Board member for nomination consideration.
Board or Supervisors Description:
Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts are political subdivisions of the state organized by county boundary. Districts are overseen by a publicly elected and volunteer Board of Supervisors comprised of natural resource professionals and active community members.
Board Supervisors are elected to a three year term by a special public election outlined in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 940. The Board is comprised of 5 elected officials whose authority is outlined in ORC 940. Board Supervisors are primarily responsible for setting the direction of the organization through long range planning and policy setting. They are also responsible for acting as ambassadors for the district in their representative communities, providing supervision to the District Administrator and providing oversight of fiscal decisions and funding activities.
♦ Prepare for and attend monthly board meetings.
♦ Know thoroughly the powers, authorities and responsibilities placed on you by the Ohio Revised Code.
♦ Review monthly financial statements and raise questions for clarification or to raise concerns.
♦ Assist the District Administrator in updating elected officials on District programs and goals on an annual basis.
♦ Work to set and update the strategic plan so that long-range goals are clarified to the staff for program development.
♦ Develop and approve policy that guides the activities and responsibilities of the District Administrator and District Staff, i.e., job descriptions, personnel policy, financial policy, working agreements with partner agencies, and administrative policies. Seek assistance from the District Administrator in providing recommendations and guidance as needed.
♦ Hire and supervise a District Administrator who is capable of overseeing the day- to-day activities and finer details of program development.
♦ Provide input and guidance on funding possibilities.
♦ Keep up-to-date on natural resource concerns and related trends for the County. ♦ Participate in Board Committees as needed.
♦ Clarify expectations, knowledge and interests to the Board Chair and District Administrator so that they can assist in keeping the Board members engaged, and utilize individual board member’s expertise for the benefit of the District.
♦ Exchange ideas on administrative procedures and long-range goals with other District governing bodies.
♦ Provide assistance or input to staff on program areas related to their area of expertise as requested by the Board Chair, District Administrator or staff.
♦ Utilize administrative and procedural guidance available through the ODA Program Specialist, who is assigned to the assist the District in these matters. Be aware of other resources available to the District including the County Prosecutor’s Office, ODA Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Natural Resource Conservation District Conservationist, etc.
♦ Assist in organizing and/ or assisting with the Board of Supervisor Nominations and Election process and the Annual Meeting.
♦ Be aware of chapter 940 of the ORC as well as administrative laws related to sunshine laws, and ethics.
♦ Be honest as to your abilities to meet the needs of this position and if the responsibilities become too much, offer your resignation to the board so that an associate board member who may have more time can fill the board position.
♦ Currently a United States Citizen over the age of 18 and a resident of the County.
♦ Ability to attend at least 75% of board meetings.
♦ Ability to attend at least one of the following each year: OFSWCD Annual Meeting, OFSWCD Summer Supervisors School, Area Supervisors Meeting, or NACD Annual Conference.
♦ Ability to attend meetings with elected officials as needed.
♦ Ability to attend the Annual Election and Meeting and if possible the Annual Planning Meeting.
♦ Ability to meet individually with the Administrator for evaluation and by request.
This person is an elected official who is ultimately responsible to the residents of the County. The Ohio Revised Code Chapter 940 outlines the legal responsibilities and powers of the supervisors.
♦ Training for new supervisors is available at the OFSWCD Annual Meeting, OFSWCD Summer Supervisor School, NACD and from the ODA Program Specialist.
♦ Supervisors are welcome and encouraged to attend activities, programs or field visits with staff members to gain an understanding of the District.
♦ Supervisors are encouraged to ask the ODA Program Specialist and District Administrator for assistance in seeking additional information and training as needed.
• While this position is a volunteer position, Supervisors can be reimbursed for travel and expenses related to their duties.