As the year settles and becomes quiet, it's just the beginning for one of Headwaters Outdoor Education Center's signature wildlife benefit efforts. Throughout the end of December and through January Morrow Soil and Water staff, volunteers and community partners are on the lookout to collect Holiday trees that are not being utilized any longer.
Many are not sure what to do with their live-cut trees after the season's greetings have come in gone. This is true for cozy home owners and box stores alike. Instead of throwing your tree to the curb, consider donating it to a cause!
The trees we collect, by donation, are transported to our land-lab just north of Mount Gilead. Once there they are inspected for any uninvited guests (invasive pests) that might negatively effect or managed ecosystems and any left over trimmings (tinsel, garland, etc.). After that the trees are skillfully places trees along fence rows and among the tallgrass of the Headwaters Outdoor Education Center.
in our 2024 collection season we managed to place over 120 trees for habitat. Thanks to the generosity of our committee and partners.
These trees are doing more than simply serving as brush, they are providing vital habitat in the form of shelter for the many critters that call our fields and forests home. Initially, you might envision the piles serving as homes for small mammals and birds, but that's not all! Snakes, insects, slugs and even fungus will appreciate the added coverage throughout the year from predation and inclement weather.
The Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District also provides trees to pond owners interested in improving habitat for fry.
The Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District is far from the only organization participating in this sort of habitat event. If you would like to donate your tree to a wildlife cause be on look-out in December/January for opportunities local to you!