Thank you to all who came out to our 2024 Agronomy Field Day at Headwaters Outdoor Education Center on August 22nd, 2024.

The day began at 10:00am with Dr. Alyssa Essman - Weed Science OSU Extension State Specialist. Dr. Essman detailed weeds of concern in row cropping systems, including giant ragweed, volunteer corn, burcucumber and waterhemp. Additionally, control of these prominent weeds through herbicide application, monitoring and hand pulling were discussed.

Next, Dr. Laura Lindsey - OSU Extension Soybean and Small Grains Research covered her research in the use of biological fertilizers in soybean production. Dr. Lindsey described the intricate process by which biological fertilizers will find success, touting the right hosts, microbes and environment necessary.
This presentation was followed by Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District partner updates which included: Christopher Pancake—ODA Nutrient Mgt. Specialist –H2Ohio, Angie Dye - Morrow County Farm Service Agency, Kendra Miller—USDA, Emily Price—NRCS.
The group then broke for lunch which was provided by Dale Wagner—Wagner Farm Pork Concessions.
Tyler Butler—Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District, continued the day after lunch with a presentation on the nitrate and phosphorous sampling taking place at Headwaters Outdoor Education Center agricultural field tile outlets, as well as the effects of nutrient loading in downstream water bodies.

To end the day, Carri Jagger— Morrow OSU Extension, directed the crowd to the test-plot field where she detailed the soybean maturity rate trials taking place. Soybeans of 2.8, 3.0 and 3.2 maturity rates were planted in the spring. The yield data will be reported in the fall after harvest.
These trials were developed by the Morrow SWCD/OSU Extension Plot Planning Committee in February of 2024.
Thank you to all involved for sharing your time and expertise.