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Tree Seedling Sale

Update (3/11): Many tree varieties are still available. We will be accepting order forms until April, 1. Be advised, as bundle numbers dwindle we may run out of stock, call the office to check inventory if you have questions (419) 946-7923

Update (3/14): White Pine are OUT OF STOCK


The Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District is now offering tree seedlings of many varieties.

The trees will be supplied through Alpha Nurseries, Inc. and New Life Nursery, Inc. of Holland, Michigan.

To Order: 2024 Tree Seedling Sale

Tree orders will be accepted until Friday March 8, 2024.

Orders can be mailed, enclosed with check or money order payable to the Morrow SWCD, to the Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District or dropped off in the office with payment.

5362 US Highway 42

Suite 202

Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338

Phone: 419-946-7923

Pick-up: Tree Seedlings will be delivered to the Morrow SWCD Main office for pick-up (address above), from 8:30am-6pm on April 18 and 19.

Pull around the AgCredit drive to the back of the building.

Note: There may be extra trees available (at original prices, but not guaranteed.

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