Spring Fish Fingerling Sale
The Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District is offering new and established pond owners the opportunity to stock their ponds with fish more conveniently and at a low cost.
The fish will be supplied through Fender's Fish Hatchery of Baltic, Ohio.
To Order: 2024 Spring Fish Sale Order Form
Fish orders will be accepted until Thursday, March 28, 2024.
Orders can be mailed, enclosed with check or money order payable to the Morrow SWCD, to the Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District or dropped off in the office with payment.
5362 US Highway 42
Suite 202
Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338
Phone: 419-946-7923
Pick-up: A tank truck from Fender’s will be located at the Morrow County Fairgrounds close to the Senior Fair Office at 195 S. Main Street, Mt. Gilead, Ohio on Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to distribute the fish.
You will need to bring your own clean container, with a plastic liner that is able to be filled with oxygen, and 1/3 of it needs to be filled with your pond water. A five to ten gallon container will be adequate for 100 stocking fish and five gallons of water for each White Amur. Individuals ordering fish will be mailed a post card reminding them of the order pick-up time.
Note: Fish are guaranteed to be delivered in good condition; however, we cannot guarantee survival after stocking in your pond.
Additionally: Join Morrow SWCD, Richland SWCD and Steve Fender of Fender's Fish Hatcher on March 13, 5:30pm for a free informational Pond Clinic. This event will be held at the Headwaters Outdoor Education Center.
151 Home Road
Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338
Phone: 419-946-7923